16 May No really – why Group23?
It’s a fair question-forgive me for answering one with another-
In the past when you’ve interviewed agencies for different projects, what was the vibe you got from the other side of the table?
Did you sense a genuine concern for your company and the issues you were facing? A desire to connect with your culture and begin building a lasting partnership to the benefit of both parties? An understanding of your uniqueness in the marketplace? Perhaps coupled with some insight on how best to utilize it to interact with potential customers? Or was it simply a “how do we convince these people to give us the business and how much will we make on the deal” kind of vibe?
If you’re new to Group23, you should know that we’re shooting for the former rather than the latter-for so many reasons that really strike at the core of why we exist in the first place. If we don’t think the business relationship is a good fit, we’ll tell you up front. If grabbing a beer together after work doesn’t sound appealing, maybe we should both keep looking. The phrase “It’s only business” is usually code for “we took advantage of you, but it’s your own fault for not paying attention” and it has no place in what we do or why we do it.
So what am I really trying to say here? How about that at Group23 we truly feel that the client-vendor dynamic is a partnership in every sense of the word. We’ve all seen those relationships derailed by a focus on short-terms gains, and one of our stated goals is to do all we can to avoid those outcomes. We’re just naive enough to feel that your success should be our primary goal, and if we can help you achieve that objective then business will take care of itself.
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